Wednesday, August 18, 2004


I think genetic screening and manipulation in Gattaca does evoke a new level of eugenics that may potentially create more bad than good for mankind. The doctor in the film assures both parents that there are plenty of other imperfections that have not been 'fixed' in the child, which makes me question which traits are deemed unwanted. Eye colour, distance of positioning between two eyes, chance of liver failure.. sure,maybe nobody wants to have a liver that fails on them. But the possibilities are then endless. If the doctor has access to all the codes for the million traits or characteristics that a human body possesses, from the way he/she carries herself to the length of his/her legs, wouldn't that create insatiable greed for a 120% perfect child along the way? One that has a lifespan of a hundred years? Wouldn't all the superhumans then overpopulate the earth with their invincible immune systems?

Tinkering with nature is all good, but then what happens when nature cant work it's magic anymore? The city of zion like in The Matrix? Would we want to take on the superior qualities of the animal world or incorporate ourselves with technology? Slowly but surely, we see on the News breakthrough discoveries on medical research. Body parts can be harvested from pigs and the exact genes responsible for something like schizophrenia have been found. Are we likely in the future, to host parts from animals that allow us to see in the dark and possibly witness the extinction of schizophrenia? I feel we are definitely taking small steps towards a future not quite as extreme as the likes in Gattaca, but definitely something along those lines.


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