This unit rocks.
Hey everyone.
I commented on Kel's post a few minutes ago, and in my comment I gave an url. After I clicked "post comment" I realised I'd forgotten to make the address a hyperlink for user-friendliness' sake. Clicked "delete" with the intention of posting the entire comment again, with improvements. I was then redirected to a page that told me "an error was found" and I had to sign in again. Under the impression that my comment hadn't been deleted, I tried and went through this same process twice more. The deletion process took a while, and after seeing my flawed comment was still there after several refreshes, I posted a second comment that continued from the first, but as it turned out the first one had been deleted after all. Nevermind. I wish there was an "edit comment" function. Moral of the story: "Patience is a virtue."
As for Anli's point re: online and offline names, I have a friend who I met through IRC, who even in the offline environment insists on calling me by my chat alias, Incomplet_. Of course, he irritatingly pronounces it as "incomplet underscore". Online, people often call me by my offline names, i.e. Lyrian, and the nickname Lil. I think the cross-contextual interchangeability of these names can be attributed to the nickname-like nature/status of online aliases - after all, the command used to change one's alias on IRC is "/nick" (followed by the chosen name).
Bah @ length of post. Can't half tell I'm a livejournaler, eh?
Favourite websites, you ask? Well, this one is a nice feel-good read for those with an individualist or humanist philosophy: And this one is useful for showing off my precious Muse tickets: Jealous? Bahaha. Clicking around The Internet Movie Database can be interesting. If you want a laugh, try for size. Sometimes the humour is utterly moronic but overall it's an amusing corner of the web.
Is there an 'lj-cut' equivalent for blogs?
Take it easy.
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